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Voir Film Haunted Tales Film 2021
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Voir Film Haunted Tales en streaming Vf
Regarder Film Haunted Tales en streaming Blablastream
Film : Haunted Tales
Année : 2021
Genre : Films, Epouvante-horreur
Acteurs : inconnu
Réalisateur : Suphakorn Riensuwan
Durée : 1h 38min
TMDB Rating : 2,1
Synopsis : Voir film Haunted Tales en streaming vf
sur Blablastream, "Haunted Car" a young businessman with a lot of secrets on his way home in a taxi. It brings a horror story that reminds him of being alive "The Book of Truth" A thriller writer who received an email enigma about the legend of the leafy book. So he began writing his horror novels in the Bai Lan book before discovering fear beyond his imagination....

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