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Voir Film Girl in the Shed en streaming Vf

Regarder Film Girl in the Shed en streaming Blablastream
Film : Girl in the Shed
Année : 2022
Réalisateur : Jessica Harmon
Durée : 1h 25m
TMDB Rating : 4
Synopsis : Voir film Girl in the Shed en streaming vf sur Blablastream, The true story of 14-year-old freshman Abby Hernandez who vanished while walking home from school in North Conway, New Hampshire. Kicking off the state’s largest search, Abby’s disappearance left her family, especially her mother Zenya , investigators and the community mystified of her whereabouts. Taken by Nathaniel Kibby, Abby was kept is a soundproof container and forced to wear a shock collar while enduring psychological, sexual and emotional abuse. Despite suffering daily torture, Abby kept hope alive that she would one day be able to see her family again.
Girl in the Shed
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