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Voir Film Mission Spitfire. Film 2022
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Voir Film Mission Spitfire. en streaming Vf

Regarder Film Mission Spitfire. en streaming Blablastream
Film : Mission Spitfire.
Année : 2022
Genre : Guerre
Réalisateur : Callum Burn
Durée : 1h 20m
TMDB Rating : 4
Synopsis : Voir film Mission Spitfire. en streaming vf sur Blablastream, August 1944. With the American Eighth Air Force poised to strike over Nazi Germany, British Intelligence learns that they could be flying into a deadly trap. With only hours to spare, Flight Lieutenant Edward Barnes must fly a life and death mission over Berlin in his unarmed Spitfire to obtain photographic evidence and save the lives of 1200 men.
Mission Spitfire.
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